Board members 




Charlotte Capers Snoad

Charlotte Capers Snoad is the founder of EmpowHER. Following a fellowship with HERlead, a national program sponsored by Ann Inc. and Vital Voices, Charlotte Capers received a grant to create EmpowHER. Her vision was to create a community, in person and online, that encourages high school young women to lean into the leadership potential. She is a social entrepreneur, a political disrupter, and believes that her generation has the tools and passion to change the world. She loves politics, government, travel, comedy, and psychology. She has four cats and a dog, and loves all animals.


Maegan White

My name is Maegan White and I am a senior at Saint Joseph Catholic School. I spend my time outside of school doing social work and activism. I have competed in YIG for 5 years, have a leadership role in my schools diversity group, chanted at the March for Our Lives, linked arms with immigrants at immigration rallies, represent members of my community being affected by gentrification, waved a rainbow flag at a pride parade, held signs at the Women's march, and will attend the United Nations Commision on the Status of Women this April to discuss the issues most pressing to women around the world. I intend to go into international diplomacy and advocate for women's rights around the world


Pranavi Thatavarthi

My name is Pranavi Thatavarthi, and I am a freshman at JL Mann High. Traveling has been a passion of mine since I was really little. Along with traveling I have been volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House for the past 3 years. I believe its never to early make a difference, and helping girls find their confidence is where I want to start.


Isabella Sheridan

My name is Isabella Sheridan and I’m a sophomore at Greenville High. I play basketball there and am involved in academic team, speech and debate, and YIG. I’m very interested in politics and international affairs and hope to pursue a career in that. My greatest mission in life is just to help as many people as possible have a better life. I think it’s so important to empower women to seek roles in leadership positions because for so long, women have been limited by the “glass ceiling” but now women are breaking it. If women are becoming leaders from a young age, I believe they will continue to be leaders for the rest of their life and we can really change the world.


Kaitlyn Milligan

My name is Kaitlyn Milligan and I am a senior at Mauldin High School. I am the co-editor-in-chief for my high schools yearbook. I enjoy my free time hanging out with friends, going on adventures, and watching The Office. I’m also super obsessed with animals and I will probably own a lot of dogs one day. I think it is important to encourage young women to seek leadership positions throughout their lifetime because we are battling against many obstacles on a daily basis. We also need to be seen as leaders to inspire the next generation of young women.


Maria Guzman

Hi my name is Maria Guzman. I am a senior at Mauldin High school. I am a Junior Field Organizer for young democrats in Greenville. I have done Youth in Government for 5 years and I enjoy every minute of it. I also enjoy reading and dancing. I support women in leadership because the problems we have today require diverse leaders who have multiple different set skills. Women bring the additional skills needed, as well as a different perspective to drive effective solutions!


Stephanie Zapata

Hi , my name is Stephanie Zapata, I go to Berea High School. I just wanna say how excited to be part of this amazing group of women ! This will be my first year being part of this group ! I’ve heard so much great things from EmpowHER and hope to be part and enjoy all of 2019 new ideas for us girls ! Hope to have new changes around here and see more girls showing off there confident and more sophisticated selves. Can’t wait for what 2019 has for this group


Anna Wortkoetter

My name is Anna Wortkoetter and I’m a senior at J.L Mann High School. I have a passion and love for people and can’t wait to be a part of EmpowHER. To pursue my love of people and justice I plan on going to college to get a degree in psychology with a focus in crime and law where I can later become a criminal phycologist. Besides school I find myself busy with my part time job at Wag Dog Spa, nannying, or enjoying my last months with my friends together in high school. One of my biggest passions is raising awareness and opening the conversation up about mental health disorders across the board. As a female who lives with multiple mental disorders of my own and knowing the struggles, I hope to offer friendship and advice as well as shine light on conversations that tend to be hidden in the dark. I am overjoyed to become a member of a group that pushes for women to do what we do best, get things done and rule the world...together.


Ava Gartman

My name is Ava Gartman and I’m a junior at Eastisde High School! I’m so excited to be a part of EmpowHer this year! Issues involving women and the LGBT community have always been a passion of mine, and I’m particularly interested in involving more young women in politics. Currently, I am Vice President of my school’s Spanish Honors Society, and am also involved with YIG and BackPAC. With this organization, I hope to encourage women to play an active role in their futures, as well as have the confidence to take risks outside the cultural norms!


Ivana Ramirez

My name is Ivana Ramirez and I am a junior at Riverside High School. I’ve always been very passionate about female empowerment and seeing women in leadership positions, so I am overjoyed to represent this amazing organization! In my free time, I enjoy everything from representing South Carolina with BackPAC, the nation’s largest student-run political action committee, to singing and serving as the Vice President of my school’s Honor choir! As debate captain of my school’s team, I have been exposed to many instances of stereotyping against women and misogyny. However, I hope that through programs like EmpowHERSC, women across the nation, especially minority women, can band together to be a force worth reckoning with and bring change to our society.


KJ Lee

My name is KJ Lee and I am in 11th grade at Riverside High School. As a young child, I was always taught that to be leader takes more strength than to be a follower. I believe that EmpowHer will further help me be a leader and aid young women everywhere! I grew up in a household with some of the strongest women in the world who engrained in me a strong sense of self and hope to share this with other young women involved with EmpowHER! I have always been passionate about politics, leadership, public service and simply helping people. Whether I am serving the community as a part of my school’s Service Learning Program, heading a meeting as my classes’ Project Club President, organizing events as Junior Class President or out on the Riverside Lady Warriors’ Lacrosse field I am giving 110%. I hope to inspire young women to believe good in the world and believe in themselves because the future is female!


Sophie Henry

My name is Sophie Henry and I’m a junior at Greenville High School. I’m sixteen and I am so excited to be a part of empowher!! I am involved with the academic team, orchestra, and scuba club at Greenville. I also do a lot of work with kids at YMCA Camp Greenville and my church. One of my biggest passions is spending time with kids and passing on values of equality, kindness, and courage. I think that this organization has the potential to do a lot of good in my community, and I’m so blessed to be a part of it.


Chloe Wright

My name is Chloe Wright and I am a junior at Eastside High School. I am a member of the cross country and lacrosse teams and participate in a variety of clubs, including Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish Honor Society, and BackPAC. Female empowerment is something I’ve always been passionate about and I can’t wait to start working with EmpowHER! I believe that gender equality is an issue of the utmost importance and that in order to accomplish this, it is essential for women to insert themselves into leadership positions, especially in traditionally male industries. However, in order for this to be attainable, I believe that society needs to forget antiquated gender roles, and take women seriously as confident, strong leaders. I look forward to helping reach this goal with EmpowHER!


Caroline Avinger

My name is Caroline Avinger and I am a junior at Greenville High. My passion for politics really grew when I became engrossed in the 2016 election. However, like many, the outcome of the election was not what I expected it to be. But, I picked myself up and got involved with causes I care so deeply about. Since then, I have become involved with YIG, the president of Students Demand Action for Gun Sense, the vice chair of South Carolina High School Democrats, and now an EmpowHER board member. I think women, particularly young women, are the “untapped reservoir of talent in the world” and that together we can bring the waves of change that our state and country so desperately need. I am so excited to be apart of this amazing group and can’t wait to see what all we accomplish this year!


Skyler Lewis

My name is Skyler Lewis, I’m a sophomore at JL Mann High School. I grew up in Nashville, TN as well as southwest Florida. I am a strong believer in things such as the healing powers of crystals, karma, and all things ‘hippie’ as some would call it. I’m a big animal lover so I love volunteering at the zoo, and caring for my two dogs, cat, and lizard. I’m pursing my passion as an artist and hoping it will allow me to travel the world one day. As I’ve grown older I’ve noticed more and more the discrimination and lack of power women hold. I went to Youth in Government in 2016 & 2017 fighting for women’s rights receiving a bill of excellence award for my hard work but no changes are being made. In joining EmpowHER I want to fight to actually make a change, not just talk about making one.


Hannah Chambers

Hi my name is Hannah Chambers and I’m a junior at Brashier Middle College Charter High School. Ever since I learned about the injustices against women happening all around the world I decided that I wanted to help. Starting my freshman year of high school I started to get very into politics and enjoyed learning about other people’s idea to help people in need. I also would like to be a psychologist in the future so that I can help people that struggle with issues in their lives. I am also a competitive swimmer on team Greenville. I am absolutely thrilled to be apart of EmpowHer and hope to make a difference.


Reyn Wills

My name is Reyn Wills, and I am a junior at Greenville Senior High School. I joined EmpowHER because it’s important for young women to believe they can accomplish anything. I’m very interested in international business, and I’m planning on getting a degree in international economics and management. I intend to be a huge leader in the business world, and believe it is important for girls to be able to see themselves through successful women in their field. As of now, I do not believe women get treated the same in the workplace, but with organizations like this one, I think this could begin to change. I am so thankful and excited to be a board member with so many amazing girls, and can’t wait to see what EmpowHER accomplish this year!